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Help Section - Troubleshooting

Video Transcript - Uploading Files

Screen 1: Title screen
Welcome to the video help series for the Energy Rating Product Registration System.

In this video, we are going to show you how to upload files in the registration system.

Screen 2: Uploading files
Throughout the registration system, you will be given the opportunity to upload files.

You may be asked to upload test reports, energy rating labels, letters of authorisation and product images.

Some sections will not let you proceed unless you have uploaded the requested file.

Now we’re going to show you how to upload a file.

Screen 3: Tips for uploading documents
There are some simple tips you need to remember when uploading files.

Firstly, you can only upload one file at a time. The system does not permit you to upload multiple files at once.

If you are uploading very large files, it may be useful to break them into smaller files, depending on your browser and internet speed, as sometimes, the browser may freeze when trying to upload big files.

The name of the file must not contain any special or foreign characters – it should only use standard characters, such as letters, numbers, a dash, underscore or space.

Do not browse away from the page or refresh it when you’re uploading a file, as this will stop the file upload.

Screen 4: Uploading files buttons
When the system asks you to upload a file, you will see buttons like those shown on your screen.

The kind of button that appears will depend on the browser you are using.

Screen 5: Uploading a file – Energy rating label example

Let’s now try uploading an energy rating label.

To begin, we select the “Choose File” or “Browse” button.

We then locate and select our label.

We then select the “Open” button to upload the file. The label is then attached and we add our label description.

As we are uploading a file in our application, we then need to select the “Save” or “Save and Continue” buttons to save the changes we have made to our application.

To change the file we have just uploaded, we select the “Choose File” button next to ‘Change’ under the uploaded file. We locate and select the replacement file and then select “Open” to upload the file.

We then select the “Save” or “Save and Continue” button to save our changes.

To upload another label, we select the “Add another” link below our uploaded label and repeat this process.

We then select the “Save” or “Save and Continue” button to save our changes.

And that is how you upload a file in the registration system.

Screen 6: Help section
For further assistance with using the registration system, select the “Help” tab at the top of any page to go to our handy Help section, where you can find more videos and step-by-step guides to help you navigate any aspect of the system.

[Our Help section is located at].

Screen 7: Contact Us
If you cannot find an answer to your question, why not send us an email?

Simply select the “Contact Us” tab at the top of any page and fill in the form.

The more details you provide, the more we’ll be able to help you, so please include all relevant details in your email, including any attachments that might be useful.

[The Contact Us form is located at].