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Help Section - Applicant Management

Video Transcript - Searching for applications or registrations

Screen 1: Title screen
Welcome to the video help series for the Energy Rating Product Registration System.

In this video, we are going to show you how to search for an application or registration in the registration system.

This includes searching for bulk applications.

Screen 2: Dashboard
We begin by opening up our Dashboard page.

We select the “Applications/Registrations” tab from the toolbar.

Screen 3: Manage Applications/Registrations
We are now on the “Manage Applications/Registrations” page.

This is where we can search through our applications or registrations.

We can see a grey table at the top of the page.

In this table, we select the “Add Search Criterion” button to create a search criterion.

We then select an option to search by from the drop-down menu.

We can search by record ID, registration number, application status, model number, brand name, appliance type, regulatory standard or determination, registration date and payment status.

Depending on the option we choose, we will have one or more additional drop-down fields to complete. There will also be text boxes that will allow us to include specific values or ranges in the search.

We are going to search by record ID for this exercise, so we select “Record ID”.

We then see a second drop-down menu that allows us to specify the specific parameters to search by, so we select the relevant option from the menu.

A text field appears, and we enter a specific value or range for the system to search by, depending on the option we chose in the second drop-down menu.

If we want to remove this search criterion, we select the “Remove” button on the right.

If we want to add another search criterion, we select the “Add search criterion” button below and add additional search parameters.

If we want to include withdrawn or expired registrations in our search, we select the tick box next to “Show withdrawn and expired items”

If we are a member of multiple Applicants, we can search through the records for all Applicants by selecting the tick box next to “Search all applicants”.

If we want to show only variations, we select the tick box next to “Show only variations”.

Once we have finished specifying our parameters, we select the “Search” button to conduct our search.

Screen 4: Search Results
The page will refresh and our search results appear below the search table.

We can sort our search results by clicking on the arrow icon next to the heading of the column that we want to search by. We can sort the results by record ID, registration number, status of the application, appliance type or expiry date. They are sorted by record ID by default when the search results load.

To sort our results, we select the “up/down” icon next to the heading of the column we want to use to sort our results. The search results will then reload, in ascending or descending order, according to the values in that column and whether the icon is pointing up or down.

To view or edit an application, we select the “View” or “View/Edit” link on the right hand side. This will vary depending on the status of the application.

If we want to just have a quick overview of one of our applications, we select the down icon under the “Quick view” column next to a particular record. We can then see some basic details of the application.

We can adjust our search parameters at any time, if required.

Screen 5: Download search results
If we want to download our search results, we select the “Download Search Results” link at the bottom of the page.

A pop-up appears. We select the “Export as CSV” link to download our search results.

To return to our search screen, we select the “X” button in the right hand corner of the pop-up.

Screen 6: Save searches
If we want to save this search to review the results again later, we select the “Save this Search” link at the bottom of the page.

A pop-up appears. We enter a name for our search.

We then select the “Save Search” button.

A list of saved searches then appears. We have the option of viewing the search results, exporting them to a CSV file for downloading or deleting the search entirely.

To return to our search screen, we select the “X” button in the right hand corner of the pop-up.

Screen 7: View saved searches
If we want to view our saved searches, we select the “View saved searches” link at the bottom of the page.

A pop-up appears showing our list of saved searches. We have the option of viewing the search results, exporting them to a CSV file for downloading or deleting the search entirely.

To return to our search screen, we select the “X” button in the right hand corner of the pop-up.

Screen 8: Search bulk application uploads
If we want to search through our bulk applications, we select the “Bulk Application Uploads” link at the bottom of the page.

Screen 9: Searching bulk applications
To search our bulk applications, we select the “Add Search Criterion” button to display a search line.

We then select an option to search by from the drop-down menu. We can search by bulk application ID, status of the bulk application, creation date of the bulk application or the appliance type.

Depending on the option we choose, we will have one or more additional drop-down fields to complete. There will also be text boxes that will allow us to include specific values or ranges in the search.

We are going to search by bulk application ID for this exercise, so we select “ID” from the drop-down menu.

We then see a second drop-down menu that allows us to specify the specific parameters to search by, so we select the relevant option from the menu.

A text field appears, and we enter a specific number or range for the system to search by, depending on the option we chose in the second drop-down menu.

If we want to remove this search criterion, we select the “Remove” button on the right.

If we want to add another search criterion, we select the “Add search criterion” button below and add additional search parameters.

Once we have finished specifying our parameters, we select the “Search” button to conduct our search.

Screen 10: Search Results
The page will refresh and our search results appear below the search table.

We can sort our search results by clicking on the arrow icon next to the heading of the column that we want to search by. We can sort the results by bulk application ID, the date the bulk application was created, the status of the bulk application or the appliance type. They are sorted by ID by default when the search results load.

To sort our results, we select the “up/down” icon next to the heading of the column we we want to use to sort our results. The search results will then reload, in ascending or descending order, according to the values in that column and whether the icon is pointing up or down.

To edit a bulk application, we select the “Edit” link on the right hand side.

And that’s how you search for applications or registrations in the registration system.

Screen 11: Help section
For further assistance with using the registration system, select the “Help” tab at the top of any page to go to our handy Help section, where you can find more videos and step-by-step guides to help you navigate any aspect of the system.

[Our Help section is located at].

Screen 12: Contact Us
If you cannot find an answer to your question, why not send us an email?

Simply select the “Contact Us” tab at the top of any page and fill in the form.

The more details you provide, the more we’ll be able to help you, so please include all relevant details in your email, including any attachments that might be useful.

[The Contact Us form is located at].